Uncharted Waters


Uncharted Waters

Game Information

Action-adventure games often use fantasy worlds to develop the plot and gameplay. But there are still some games that use the real world and add some elements to change the whole perspective and bring a new adventure experience for players. One of the games that have succeeded in doing that is Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. The game revolves around the character Nathan Drake and his friends in the quest to find the treasure of El Dorado. However, this trip gradually became more dangerous thanks to the arrival of mercenaries. Players now not only focus on finding the treasure, but also have to fight with the mercenary squad.
Uncharted is a game that is appreciated for its content, gameplay, cutscene, and features. This game is a perfect example of combining elements between action-adventure and platform. Although the gameplay is the platform, the environment of the game is designed with in-depth and allows players to explore the surroundings to search for secrets. Moreover, the player will control Drake through a third perspective, and Drake can interact with the environment in a flexible way for players to progress with the story. Drake is a person with many different talents, such as using weapons, climbing, and sneaking. Those are essential elements of the game, and players must combine those factors to overcome challenges and complete the game.
What makes the game Uncharted become famous is because the story is full of suspense, thrilling, climax, tension, drama. Moreover, the plot will be influenced by the decisions that the player makes, even mixed with cutscenes and quick-time events to improve the player’s experience. Besides, Drake can use up to two different weapons to fight, but the number of ammunition will be limited, and they can attract many enemies. Players can pick up the weapons of mercenaries or collect a part of the bullet lost.
The gameplay of the game will also bring players many different surprises through each of its scenes. Things like spectacular chase scenes, thrilling shooting scenes, it’s all like a Hollywood movie, and the player can freely control it. With an environment designed realistically using 3D, the interactivity of the character, and interactive environment is what this game is always proud of. This game is also rated as one of the best games of PlayStation 3.


Available Control Methods


Use keyboard controls to play: Arrow keys for direction, X for B button, Z for A button, Enter for Start, and Space for Select.

Physical Gamepad

Connect a gamepad to your device for the best gaming experience. Most USB and Bluetooth controllers are supported.

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