


Game Information

Action, Platformer
Paaman is originally a Japanese cartoon series where a small boy is given superpowers by Superman through various pieces of blue equipment. He takes the role of an apprentice and thus got his name, Paaman, as a play on words with a short or incomplete version of ‘Su-paa-man’ (due to different phonetic romanizations, Paaman is sometimes also written as Parman or Perman). Due to certain copyright issues, Superman’s name in the franchise was later changed to Birdman, but his apprentice’s name remained. Additionally, more helpers were chosen, such as an intelligent monkey wearing orange, a girl wearing pink and another boy wearing green. While they only made more or less prominent guest appearances in the first game, they are all playable in Paaman 2. (source: wikipedia) Paaman 2 is an mix of different game elements. While the main part is 2D platforming, there are a lot of isometrically played parts and many mini-games waiting. You take control of Paaman or one of his companions and make your way through the stages in a jumping, flying and fighting manner in order to take down the evil Madou society. Good for you that the game’s graphics are quite good (clear and colorful) and also the soundtrack is decent.


Available Control Methods


Use keyboard controls to play: Arrow keys for direction, X for B button, Z for A button, Enter for Start, and Space for Select.

Physical Gamepad

Connect a gamepad to your device for the best gaming experience. Most USB and Bluetooth controllers are supported.

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