


Game Information

Action, Adventure
This is a 3D-based sequel to Rygar, a game initially developed by Tecmo that was popular in arcades and on various home gaming systems. The Titans, commanded by the ancient goddess Cleopatra and a winged-demon character named Aristotle, abduct Princess Harmonia in the land of Argos to free the evil spirit of Cronus. The Titans captured the Princess to liberate Cronus’s wicked spirit. A young gladiator hears her calls for assistance in the training process named Rygar, and he rushes to her aid. Rygar, armed with a legendary gadget known as the Diskarmor, will traverse the land of Argos to locate things and knowledge that will assist him in his search for Princess Harmonia. Along the way, he will eliminate foes and terrible demons that stand in his way. After Rygar has given his Diskarmor its full strength, it will be up to him to end Cleopatra and Aristotle’s plot, free the Princess, and protect the rest of Argos from harm.


Available Control Methods


Use keyboard controls to play: Arrow keys for direction, X for B button, Z for A button, Enter for Start, and Space for Select.

Physical Gamepad

Connect a gamepad to your device for the best gaming experience. Most USB and Bluetooth controllers are supported.

Embed This Game

Copy and paste this code to embed this game on your website:

<iframe src="https://getretrogames.com/game/embed/rygar-nes" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can adjust the width and height values to match your website's layout. The game will automatically adapt to the iframe size.