Musashi no Ken - Tadaima Shugyou Chuu


Musashi no Ken - Tadaima Shugyou Chuu

Game Information

Action, Fighting, Platform
A game based on the manga and anime, Musashi no Ken. Players take control of Musashi, who is currently in the middle of his training for an upcoming Kendo tournament. The first part of the game features side scrolling platform action. Musashi can swing his sword to dispatch the various enemies who get in his way. Musashi's dog faithfully follows Musashi during his training. However, it is paramount that Musashi gets to the goal of each stage before his dog does though, or else Musashi will lose a life. Besides getting to the goal in time, the other objective is to collect as many sword pieces scattered and hidden throughout each level. The second part of the game involves fighting in a series of one on one Kendo matches in order to win the tournament. Using special moves during a fighting match costs the player the sword pieces they collected in the earlier part of training. The game also features a two player versus fighting mode. Two players compete in five Kendo matches. The first to win three of the five matches win the overall fight.


Available Control Methods


Use keyboard controls to play: Arrow keys for direction, X for B button, Z for A button, Enter for Start, and Space for Select.

Physical Gamepad

Connect a gamepad to your device for the best gaming experience. Most USB and Bluetooth controllers are supported.

Embed This Game

Copy and paste this code to embed this game on your website:

<iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can adjust the width and height values to match your website's layout. The game will automatically adapt to the iframe size.