Major League


Major League

Game Information

The ultimate chomp-off is about to begin. Grab your Wii Remote controller and dig into 12 different foods as you compete against the greatest major-league eaters in the world. This isn't just a race to stuff your face-you'll need strategy to master a smorgasbord of digestive attacks, defenses and counters. These include the Mega Burp, Gas Attack, Antacid and more. And don't forget to keep an eye on your Barf-O-Meter, because if the food hits the plate twice, you're out. Unlock more than 10 characters in single-player career mode, go gut-to-gut against your friends in versus mode, or compete online using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Online play supports friend codes, random matchmaking and leader boards.


Available Control Methods


Use keyboard controls to play: Arrow keys for direction, X for B button, Z for A button, Enter for Start, and Space for Select.

Physical Gamepad

Connect a gamepad to your device for the best gaming experience. Most USB and Bluetooth controllers are supported.

Embed This Game

Copy and paste this code to embed this game on your website:

<iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can adjust the width and height values to match your website's layout. The game will automatically adapt to the iframe size.