


Game Information

You'll need R.O.B. – the world's first Robotic Operating Buddy – to play this action-packed game! You've got to keep R.O.B.'s gyroscope spinning in order to help a mad scientist deactivate all the dynamite in his laboratory. You'll move columns up and down to speed the scientist on his way while trying to avoid the lethal Smicks. And you'll get him to his dynamite even faster if you can get R.O.B. to spin two gyros at the same time! But don't take your eyes off the scientist, because anything can happen in GYROMITE! Where two hands and one pair of eyes aren't always enough!


Available Control Methods


Use keyboard controls to play: Arrow keys for direction, X for B button, Z for A button, Enter for Start, and Space for Select.

Physical Gamepad

Connect a gamepad to your device for the best gaming experience. Most USB and Bluetooth controllers are supported.

Embed This Game

Copy and paste this code to embed this game on your website:

<iframe src="" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You can adjust the width and height values to match your website's layout. The game will automatically adapt to the iframe size.